Drone inspections
By inspecting powerlines we can ensure they’re maintained appropriately; reducing the risk of unplanned power outages and bushfires. Drone technology is a cost-effective and safe alternative to the regular ground based / helicoptor inspections we undertake as part of our extensive asset maintenance program.
Region | Suburbs |
North | Campbell Town, Conara, Prospect, Prospect Vale, Summerhill, West Launceston, Golconda, Jetsonville, Lietinna, North Scottsdale, Scottsdale, Branxholm, Bridport, Beaconsfield, Sidmouth, Deviot, Exeter, Loira, Carrick. |
South | Risdon Vale, Grasstree Hill, Risdon, Richmond, Arthurs Lake, Flintstone, Tods Corner, Wilburville, Kingston, Kingston Beach, Bonnet Hill, Waterloo, Cairns Bay, Geeveston, Port Huon, Black Hills, Bushy Park, Glenora, Gretna, Macquarie Plains, Rosegarland, Westerway, Kettering, Birchs Bay, Woodbridge, Flowerpot, Middleton, Cambridge, Copping, Marion Bay, Boomer Bay, Dunalley, Nubeena, Premaydena, Saltwater River. |
North West | Bishopsbourne, Bracknell, Oaks, Westbury, Don, East Devonport, Forth, Forthside, Kindred, Melrose, Paloona, Ulverstone, West Ulverstone, Cuprona, Howth, Penguin, Sulphur Creek, West Pine, Black River, Cowrie Point, Mawbanna, Port Latta, Wiltshire, Forest, Smithton, Stanley. |
Why are you using drones to perform inspections?
Drones provide a safe way to get close to the ground and near power distribution assets. Drones also reduce the impacts that helicopters have on eagles, raptors, livestock and other animals.
When and where will the drone inspections occur?
The drone inspections will be held all year round across the entire state, between the hours of 7.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Please note, bad weather may cause us to adjust our inspection schedules.
How will you let customers know when and where the drones will be flying?
There will be information on social media and our website. We'll also be sending an SMS to customers (whom we have valid mobile numbers for) with properties close to the inspection locations.
Who will be operating the drones?
Fulcrum Robotics have been contracted by TasNetworks to complete the drone inspections on our poles and wires. They are a local professional business experienced in drone technology and data capture. Fulcrum and all of its pilots are fully Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) accredited.
Will you be taking photographs of my property?
In most cases, the drones will be operating within approximately 10 meters of TasNetworks power poles and will capture close-up images of the TasNetworks assets associated with these power poles. No photos or videos are directly taken of private property or other unrelated assets in the area.
Will you need to access my property?
Only if the poles we are inspecting are located on your property.
Are you allowed to fly over my property?
There are regulations that cover how and where a drone can lawfully fly. These regulations are governed by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) and include special considerations for powerline inspection works. To find out more, visit the CASA website.
Have questions?
If you have questions or concerns about drone inspections, give us a call or submit an online enquiry.