Environment and Sustainability
The protection and preservation of the natural environment is a vital part of our corporate responsibility. We're committed to operating our business in a way that retains environmental and cultural heritage values and supports biodiversity outcomes. We're also working closely with our partners to support broader protection and conservation outcomes for birds of prey in Tasmania. Read more about our partnerships.
We recognise our impact on people and the planet and take a whole-of-business approach to environmental management. By embedding environmentally sustainable practices across our business and demonstrating care for the environment in everything we do, we can secure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Weed control
Weeds are non-local plants that have a significant negative impact on Tasmania's unique environment and economy. Weeds can spread via vehicles and boots so we're taking steps help prevent the spread when entering and exiting properties.

Protecting our threatened birdlife
We're passionate about protecting our iconic Tasmanian wildlife and are working hard to minimise risks that our overhead poles and wires pose to birds of prey, such as Wedge-tailed Eagles, Grey Goshawks and White-bellied Sea Eagles.

Waste and Recycling
Our aim is to reduce waste going to landfill and promote a circular economy in Tasmania. Throughout our operations, we produce waste from constructing, maintaining, and replacing network assets, as well as waste generated in our daily activities. We are currently working on Action Plans that will guide TasNetworks to further reduce waste across the business.

Climate Change Response
Preparing for and responding to climate change impacts on our network assets to ensure a safe and reliable service to customers is an important part of our corporate, social responsibility obligations.