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Procurement and suppliers

As part of the NWTD procurement process, Expressions of Interest (EOI) were conducted between November 2022 and April 2023 to short list suitably experienced and capable companies for the Head Contractor role to invite to the final procurement stage - Request for Proposals (RFP). 

Three companies were invited to the RFP Stage. 

The initial RFP scope released by TasNetworks in June 2023 was based on the initial NWTD delivery sequencing and route selection for both Marinus Link cables to be delivered concurrently. 

On 5th September 2023, following negotiations between the Commonwealth, Victorian and Tasmanian Governments, the Tasmanian Government announced the decision to proceed with one Marinus Link cable with the second to be considered later. 

This has resulted in a revised staging of the NWTD scope. The RFP closed in late May 2024, followed by commencement of proposal evaluation and negotiations due to conclude by the end of July.

TasNetworks intends to appoint a preferred Head Contractor in July 2024 to advance the design of the revised scope and work towards the mitigation of core delivery risks in preparation for construction commencement. 

Determining the successful Head Contractor is a prerequisite to a Financial Investment Decision for the project in December 2024.

Demonstrating how local businesses, social enterprises and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement will be represented in project delivery is a key consideration in the appointment of the NWTD Head Contractor.

Tasmanian businesses are encouraged to register their interest through the Industry Capability Network portal  or Marinus Link portal.