Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Photo by Voula Pleonie
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Unregistered easements

Unregistered easements (also known as Unregistered Wayleave Agreements or UWAs) are easements created by agreement with landowners at the time the easements were acquired that are not registered on the property title.

Similarly to registered easements, an unregistered easement will provide a set of rights and restrictions in favour of TasNetworks over a property. 

Unregistered easements only apply to overhead transmission lines and remain in effect regardless of land ownership changes or whether infrastructure is removed. Widths can vary and exist irrespective of whether a registered easement also exists over the same area.

Authority of unregistered easements is by virtue of sections 5-7 of the Electricity Wayleaves and Easements Act 2000 and all pre-date 1 January 2002 (they can no longer be created).

We provide a search service to locate easements throughout the transmission network. A fee of $47.00 is charged for this service. To carry out this search, complete our Wayleave Search Form and return to us along with your cheque to:

Wayleaves Officer
PO Box 606