Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Unexpected error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please re-enter the information submitted or call us on 1300 137 008.

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

We have an ongoing research program to understand our customers’ experience with power outages, scheduled maintenance, new connection processes, general enquiries and complaint resolution. This information is used to plan improvements for our customers. 

We have partnered with CSBA, an independent Australian research company, who is completing some of this research on our behalf to benchmark customer experience against similar organisations, and other sectors.

This research program is conducted in accordance with the terms of CSBA’s Privacy Collection Statement.

Surveys are conducted by telephone, email and SMS, and participation is optional.

Please note that any information that may identify an individual will be removed from the data prior to any analysis, and no information provided by our customers will be used for any purpose other than research, unless you provide express consent. 

If you have any questions about this research, please contact CSBA via: