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Embedded generation

Embedded generation is the process of generating electricity at a specific location and then connecting that supply into the electricity network.

We understand that connecting generation can be a complex process. An electrician or solar retailer can assist to determine which connection type is best for you, they can also submit a connection application on your behalf.

What size is your embedded generator?

  • Micro embedded generators

    Apply for this if you're connecting a solar system (or another type of embedded generator) under 10 kW a phase.

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    How long will it take to get connected?

    If the network doesn’t require changes or upgrades in order to support your embedded generation connection, the average timeframe for us to finalise our component of the process is about 4-6 weeks. If the network does require some type of change/upgrade to support your embedded generation connection, the average timeframe is about 4-6 months.

    When will my new meter be installed (if my existing meter is not compatible)?

    As part of the connection process, TasNetworks will forward metering requests to your energy retailer once the required information is provided (serial number and installation date) and electrical works are verified by the electrical contractor. Your energy retailer will arrange for any metering works and final connection.

    How much will my connection cost if changes to the network are required?

    The applicant may be required to pay all direct costs associated with any system studies. You may also need to contact your energy retailer to find out if any fees apply to this connection.

    Will I need to pay a deposit?

    No deposit required.

    What information do I need to know to complete my solar connection application?

    • Electricity meter number
    • Electrical Contractors License Number
    • Type of connection (overhead or underground)
    • Length of overhead service wire or underground mains service wire
    • Pole identification number
    • Voltage measured at the existing installation before the connection
    • Are voltage measurements available from onsite data logging?
    • Existing maximum demand in amps and number of phases connected at the property
    • Generator type
    • Number of modules
    • Manufacturer
    • Rated output (watts per module)
    • Connection and protective equipment incorporated
    • Number of inverters
    • Inverter model number
    • Inverter manufacturer
    • Inverter rating (in watts)
    • Inverter rating (in KVA)
    • Inverter phase(s)
    • AS4777.2.2020 Grid Connection of Energy Systems via Inverters certificate number
    • Will the embedded generation incorporate battery storage? If yes, details of the battery storage system
    • Single line diagram of generator system (and battery configuration if applicable)
  • Small embedded generators

    Apply for this if you're connecting a solar system or another type of embedded generator over 10 kW per phase and less than 5 MW.

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    How long will it take to get connected?

    If the network doesn’t require changes or upgrades in order to support your embedded generation connection, the average timeframe for us to finalise our component of the process is about 4-6 weeks. If the network does require some type of change/upgrade to support your embedded generation connection, the average timeframe for us to finalise our component of the process is about 4-6 months. In addition to the work we undertake, your energy retailer will arrange for the meter installation and final connection.

    How much will my connection cost if changes to the network are required?

    The applicant may be required to pay all direct costs associated with any system studies. You may also need to contact your energy retailer to find out if any fees apply to this connection.

    Will I need to pay a deposit?

    We may request a non-refundable application fee if further assessment's required.

    What information do I need to know to complete my solar connection application?
    • Type of connection (overhead or underground)
    • Length of overhead service wire or underground mains service wire
    • Pole identification number
    • Voltage measured at the existing installation before the connection
    • Are voltage measurements available from onsite data logging?
    • Existing maximum demand in amps and number of phases connected at the property
    • Generator type
    • Number of modules
    • Manufacturer
    • Rated output (watts per module)
    • Connection and protective equipment incorporated
    • Number of inverters
    • Inverter model number
    • Inverter manufacturer
    • Inverter rating (in watts)
    • Inverter rating (in KVA)
    • Inverter phase(s)
    • AS4777.2.2020 Grid Connection of Energy Systems via Inverters certificate number
    • Will the embedded generation incorporate battery storage? If yes, details of the battery storage system
    • Single line diagram of generator system (and battery configuration if applicable
    • Avoided Transmission Use of System Methodology (PDF)

    We'll also need confirmation from either you, your installer or your designer demonstrating the embedded generating system meets our Embedded Generation technical requirements:

  • Large embedded generators

    For embedded generators greater than 5 MW. If you’re organising a large embedded generation connection, we'd like to speak with you early in your project planning to ensure we understand your needs. Book a face-to-face meeting with us.

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    How long will it take to get connected?

    If the network doesn’t require changes or upgrades in order to support your embedded generation connection, the average timeframe for us to finalise our component of the process is about 4-6 weeks. If the network does require some type of change/upgrade to support your embedded generation connection, the average timeframe for us to finalise our component of the process is about 4-6 months. In addition to the work we undertake, your energy retailer will arrange for the meter installation and final connection.

    How much will my connection cost if changes to the network are required?

    The applicant is required to pay all direct costs associated with any system studies, administration fees or any network changes required to support the connection. You may also need to contact your energy retailer to find out if any fees apply to this connection.

    Will I need to pay a deposit?

    We may request a non-refundable application fee if further assessment is required.

    What information do I need to know to complete my solar connection application?
    • Type of connection (overhead or underground)
    • Length of overhead service wire/underground mains service wire
    • Pole identification number
    • Voltage measured at the existing installation before the connection
    • Are voltage measurements available from onsite data logging?
    • Existing maximum demand in amps and number of phases connected at the property
    • Generator type
    • Number of modules
    • Manufacturer
    • Rated output (watts per module)
    • Connection and protective equipment incorporated
    • Number of inverters
    • Inverter model number
    • Inverter manufacturer
    • Inverter rating (in watts)
    • Inverter rating (in KVA)
    • Inverter phase(s)
    • AS4777.2.2020 Grid Connection of Energy Systems via Inverters certificate number
    • Will the embedded generation incorporate battery storage? If yes, details of the battery storage system
    • Single line diagram of generator system (and battery configuration if applicable)
    • Avoided Transmission Use of System Methodology (PDF)

Connections Portal

Complete your connections application through our portal

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