Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Unexpected error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please re-enter the information submitted or call us on 1300 137 008.

Waste and Recycling

In the course of doing business, we generate waste during the construction, maintenance and replacement of network and telecommunications assets, as well as waste associated with daily work. TasNetworks has a Waste Management Strategy that provides the framework to help deliver coordinated, long-term and sustained growth for recycling and resource recovery while reducing the amount of waste produced, and ultimately disposed of. 

Our goal is to minimise waste to landfill and support a circular economy in Tasmania. We do this by recycling materials such as conductors, crossarms and poles used in field operations and products such as paper, cardboard, food organics and other recyclables in our office locations.  We are currently developing Action Plans that will guide TasNetworks to further reduce waste across the business.

Controlled waste

Our assets and operations can produce controlled wastes including asbestos, waste oil, arsenic ash, PCB oil and SF6 waste and hydrocarbon contaminated soil. These types of waste are referred to as controlled waste. Controlled waste is closely regulated and carefully managed because of its potential to negatively impact our customers, our people and the environment.

Oil management

Insulating oil is an essential component in the electricity system and is primarily used in transformers. Over time, oil degrades and must be replaced to remain effective. TasNetworks has facilities where about 150,000 litres of oil is processed annually, then recycled for use as fuel for other industries or disposed under strictly regulated controls. This provides a significant saving in environmental and economic terms.

Accidental oil spills from transformers are dealt with quickly and professionally. We have specially equipped oil spill trailers located around Tasmania to facilitate the containment and clean-up process and field crews are trained in their deployment.