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Community Grants Program

Applications are invited for the TasNetworks Community Grants program which provides funding for community groups and not-for-profits to deliver projects in the community which seek to positively impact on our chosen focus areas.

Through the TasNetworks Community Grants Program, we empower the community to tackle the challenges posed by:

  • Rising cost-of-living pressures
  • Enhancing community resilience

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for incorporated entities or charities registered with the ACNC who are operating within Tasmania and delivering activities that are aligned to the Program’s focus areas.

Applications will be open from Friday, 31 May 2024 until Sunday, 30 June 2024.

For more information on the Program and the application process, see the following Program documents:

Please note that due to limited funding, not every application that meets the criteria may receive a grant.

Have any questions, or need assistance to complete your application?

If you need any more information, please email community@tasnetworks.com.au.

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Past recipients

  • Grants awarded in 2023
    The Salvation Army

    The Salvation army extended their Salvos Sunday Dinner service for a further 12 months. This homelessness support service provides a three-course meal for around 50 homeless people per week in Hobart.

    Riverside Lions Club

    Members of the Riverside Lions Club provided 50 backpacks full of essentials to support services for homeless individuals across Launceston.

    Gagebrook Community House

    Funding was provided to design and establish a cooking program designed to teach participants about budget-friendly meals, whilst enhancing culinary skills, incorporating learning around reading, writing, numeracy, and technology in one of Tasmania’s most disadvantaged areas.

    Dunalley Neighbourhood House

    Through this grant, mental health first aid training was provided, and a peer support program created, for residents on the Tasman Peninsula.

    Tamar Sea Rescue

    The purchase and installation of upgraded radio equipment and accessories, both on and off the water, has meant that the safety of recreational boaters and the amazing Tamar Sea Rescue volunteers has been improved.

    Sunlight Kitchen Garden Project

    Through funding to create the Kitchen Garden, Afghani refugees were assisted to grow produce for sale to the public, providing income, reducing social isolation, building community, and encouraging business skills amongst them.

    Huon Valley PCYC

    Operation Happy Birthday supported children from low-income or vulnerable families who may not have the opportunity to celebrate their birthdays with their peers. It provided fully catered parties in a fun indoor playground, promoting inclusion and social support.

    Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Project

    Funding was provided to establish a Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program at Claremont College, a school facing significant socio-economic challenges.

    Hobart City Mission

    We supported the Small Steps program, providing young mothers aged 15-25 and their babies facing homelessness with 24/7 support, stable housing for up to two years, parenting education, budgeting, cooking, and more.

    Rural Health Tasmania

    SevenUp Youth Centres in Smithton and Wynyard engaged in a codesign process on a range of youth-led initiatives across the region, working with disengaged youth to positively impact their community.

    Kentish Men’s Shed

    Kentish Men’s Shed had struggled to secure funding to replace tools at the end of their useful life. This funding allowed them to continue to operate in the small regional area that they serve.

    Burnie Community House

    Offered a range of fortnightly cooking workshops where participants learnt to cook and enjoy meals together, as well as taking home meal packs for four, helping to maximise food budgets and providing a way to enjoy affordable and healthier meal options.

    City of Burnie Lions Club

    The City of Burnie Lions Club ran sessions for community members to learn how to alter cheap or second-hand clothing to reduce cost of living pressures.

    Whitemore Tennis Club

    Our funding allowed the Club to complete a major safety and compliance overhaul of the accessway, decking area, seating, and a much-needed resurfacing of their courts.

  • Grants awarded in 2021
    Sustainable Living Tasmania

    With the help of student leaders from New Town Primary and Ogilvie High Schools, Sustainable Living Tasmania used their grant of $10,000 to implement WasteWatcher Wormfarm Systems at early learning centres in greater Hobart, enabling them to process their organic waste and divert it from landfill.

    Surf Life Saving Tasmania

    Surf Life Saving Tasmania were taking steps to eliminate plastic waste. With their grant they implemented an EcoSafe Policy and purchased re-useable sunscreen containers for their lifeguards and volunteers.

    Friends of Bonorong

    Friends of Bonorong improved raptor rehabilitation outcomes in the north of the state by constructing round ‘doughnut’ aviaries, enabling Tasmanian raptors in their care, such as Wedge-tailed Eagles, to test fly at high speeds before release.

    Eat Well Tasmania

    Eat Well Tasmania were developing a digital campaign called ‘Love Your Leftovers’, aimed at promoting responsible food waste practices in the home and encouraging people to get creative with their leftovers.

    Derwent Catchment Project

    The Derwent Catchment Project has a healthy Miena Cider Gum conservation program at Miena in the Central Highlands. Over-browsing by possums was being experienced at the site due to wombats digging under the existing fence. With the help of a grant, wombat gates were to be installed, allowing passage of wombats whilst excluding access to other wildlife.

    Tamar NRM

    In support of their Source to Sea Project – an education framework which aims to engage and educate local school students and the broader community about the importance of the kanamaluka/Tamar Estuary Catchment, the traditional owners and land management techniques, pollution sources and impacts and native flora, fauna, and marine and birdlife habitats.

  • Grants awarded in 2020

    Dress for Success
    Dress for Success were planning a new career centre for women in southern Tasmania.

    Gran’s Van

    Gran’s Van used their grant funding to upgrade their Devonport food and support vehicle for people in need.

    Blueline Laundry

    Blueline Laundry implemented a new online learning system, boosting employment pathways for people with disabilities and diverse or disadvantaged backgrounds.

    Live Well Tasmania

    Live Well Tasmania installed a wheelchair ramp at the Wynyard Community Hub.

    Palliative Care Tasmania

    Palliative Care Tasmania created an online referral service for GP’s, supporting patients with a life-limiting illness, or a chronic medical condition.

    CORES (Community Response to Eliminating Suicide)

    CORES undertook suicide intervention training for high school students in rural north-west Tasmanian communities.

    Dorset Community Association

    Dorset Community Association expanded their Out and About program to remote areas, providing no interest loans, food supplies and service provider referrals.

    Agency Arts Health

    Agency Arts Health put on a series of workshops and excursions with Aboriginal community members to develop a series of digital stories about connection to land and culture.