Electrical emergencies and outages

If you've lost power or want to report fallen powerlines

General enquiries

For general enquiries, call from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Unexpected error

An unexpected error has occurred. Please re-enter the information submitted or call us on 1300 137 008.

Responsible Procurement

Our policies and guidelines reflect best practice and encourage competition, innovation and transparency in our procurement activities.

Key principles include encouraging solutions which promote sustainability and achieve value for money whilst ensuring that procurement activities do not disadvantage local suppliers – and maximises the objectives of the Tasmanian Government Buy Local Policy. Solutions must also aim to support TasNetworks’ corporate strategies, including those related to safety, sustainability, protection of the environment, and corporate social responsibility.


Reducing Modern Slavery

We're committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure Modern Slavery is not taking place in our own business or in any of our supply chains.

This commitment ensures we can make a difference and reduce modern slavery globally, particularly through collaboration to build better solutions, encouraging decent work opportunities and sustainable growth.

View our Modern Slavery Statements:

Protecting our threatened birdlife

We're passionate about protecting our iconic Tasmanian wildlife and are working hard to minimise risks that our overhead poles and wires pose to birds of prey, such as Wedge-tailed Eagles, Grey Goshawks and White-bellied Sea Eagles.

Waste Management

In the course of doing business, we produce waste, material and resource flows. This includes the essential resources we use during the construction, maintenance and replacement of network and telecommunications assets, as well as waste associated with day to day work and the provision of IT and fleet services.

Community Partnerships

Through our partnerships, we're connecting with and investing in the diverse communities that make our island unique, to deliver projects that are creating a better tomorrow.

Engaging with you

We're committed to engaging with you about our activities and plans for the future. From planning our network and the way we meet our regulatory obligations, as well as our day-to-day operations, we value your input in everything we do.