Development applications
Are you planning a development which could impact electricity transmission infrastructure or its easements? You may need our approval as part of your development planning process.
'The Code'
As part of the Tasmanian Planning Reforms, all Tasmanian councils need to apply the new State Planning Provisions. The State Planning Provisions include the new Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Protection Code (the Code). The purpose of the Code is to ensure:
Transmission infrastructure is protected against hazards;
Transmission infrastructure isn't adversely affected by future developments; and
Future opportunities for transmission infrastructure are maintained.
How will the Code affect my development?
The Code applies to the use or development of land within an existing electricity transmission corridor (overhead or underground), as well as land within 55 metres of a communications station and 65 metres of a substation facility.
Next steps
Step 1. Check if your development might affect electricity transmission assets or easements:
LISTMap includes a mapping layer that relates to 'the Code'. This layer is called the Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Protection Code Overlay, and can be found in the layers section of LISTMap, within the Infrastructure and Utilities categories, under the Utilities and Communications layers. The Code overlay identifies the visual representation of where the Code will apply, as part of the new State Planning Provisions. Your planning consultant, architect, or local council may be able to help you identify assets and easements that could affect your development.
Step 2. Seek approval for your development:
If your development may affect one of our assets or easements you will need our approval as part of the planning process. Please complete the Land Use Planning Application Form (PDF) and email it to

Contact us
To find out more about the Electricity Transmission Infrastructure Protection Code and how it relates to your development, contact us via or call us on 1300 137 008